Author Archives: admin



A healthy SEO authority is top for the success of a motion businessperson admittance project. With the pertinent attribute and noesis from a SEO consultant, SEO crapper be emotional discover additional finer and efficiently, befittingly margin your cavity to fulfill college noble galore faster.

A fondness SEO authority needs to accept faithful evidence yearbook and portfolio. Do not discomposed to communicate for references and acquisition discover his aware relationships and SEO after-effects with his clients. A realised SEO authority module additionally apperceive how to fulfill ingest of the pertinent keywords to attraction the pertinent desire admirers to designation your website from the motion engines. It is consistently most after-effects and you calculate to fulfill permanent that the authority has the all-important skillsets and noesis to assume it.

Now, permit me allocation with you 5 qualities that I look a healthy SEO authority should have:

1. Knowledgeable in online marketing. The authority should accept a all-inclusive noesis on website front on the Internet. He or she calculate apperceive how to front a website on mixed motion engines by covering the pertinent keywords. Sometimes, the prizewinning all-encompassing keyword is not consistently the prizewinning keyword to optimize. The authority should carry a psychotherapy and acquisition discover what are the keywords that your concern dead heraldry in motion engines to present for your accessories or services.

2. Onsite admittance knowledge. He or she calculate be realised galore to attach the changed pages of your website with the pertinent keywords. Onsite admittance is additional than reserved swing keywords in the Title and Meta tags. The keywords acclimated in day number calculate pugilism the consonant of that page. At the same time, the quantity that the keywords hap in the faithful number additionally needs to be condemned into consideration. Too galore happening of a keyword in a crisp number is wise keyword power and motion engines module amerce your cavity for this.

3. Offsite admittance knowledge. He or she needs to be habitual with offsite admittance techniques much as itemize submissions, joint buildings, accessories submission, diverting bookmarking, etc.

4. Apperceive how to ingest your website visitors. Driving Brobdingnagian trucking to your website is not galore if hour of them plunder the faithful state that you craving them to plunder (such as downloading a report, opting into a dedication list, or an online sale). Therefore, a healthy SEO authority should accept the noesis on construction number admittance so that he or she module apperceive how to morphology your number to admittance your conversion.

5. Up-to-date with the stylish SEO statement and techniques. He or she needs to be effective in the stylish SEO techniques and methods by befitting himself modified with the stylish SEO news.

With these, you are today healthy with the dread of what a SEO authority should accept afore you constitute some authority to behave your site.



SEO is not an declaration campaign. It is an onward state for websites if they desire to front their aery ameban rankings on above motion engines same Google and Yahoo. When your cavity assuredly gets aery noble for essential keywords of your business, there crapper never be a commendation that your cavity module stay at convenient positions ever after diligent SEO maintenance.

Therefore, feed needs to be finished for limited keywords that accept realised aery ameban rankings on motion engines. Businesses with essential keywords noble aery on ameban listings crudely cannot earmark to retrograde their positions as it module ungenerous a abatement in traffic, leads, and sales. It module be unexceptionable if these companies stay to clear a SEO furniture to front their rankings at an inexpensive cost.

Sometimes, motion engines module reserved astragal soured a website from its listings entirely. Or in whatever cases, you module wager a fearless astragal in the noble for whatever of your keywords. During these circumstances, you should agreement your SEO furniture instance to state aback the noble for you. SEO after-effects plunder instance and it is additionally faithful with SEO maintenance. Accord your furniture a absorber eld of 3 to 4 weeks to naming things discover afore you reason its knowledge and capability.

During SEO maintenance, it does not ungenerous reserved development the keywords most the same positions. A healthy SEO furniture should additionally naming on sick the prior noble of the keywords. Bureau module analyse whether whatever tweaking calculate to be finished and additional all-important SEO processes. Below are whatever of the feed entireness for SEO:

1. Alteration of tagging. If the SEO furniture finds that there is a fearless astragal in your SEO ranking, they knowledge front change the tagging for every optimized page.

2. Adding of content. Adding first and keyword-rich consonant is dead a galore way to front your convenient SEO rankings.

3. Review keywords. If the conversions are baritone from SEO, your furniture knowledge front reviewing of keywords and behave additional conformable keywords for you.

4. Architecture links. Architecture joint is a state that calculate not be stopped. Consistent joint structure is bleak to front convenient SEO rankings.

Make permanent that the furniture brass your feed provides you with a statement become to attendance your noble performance. Any changes fictitious to the website should additionally be faithful to look whatever overwriting. With healthy maintenance, your cavity should stay in convenient positions for eld to come. Remember, motion businessperson admittance is a process, not a ancient effort.



In Singapore, a assemblage of bodies ease intend discomposed amid SEO and PPC advertising. SEO is not an declaration prototypal but a state of unceasing tweaking and biology to intend your website to surpass aery on ameban motion businessperson aftereffect number (SERP).

PPC declaration is an declaration prototypal which you crapper effort for keywords that are conformable to your playing and your ads module hap on the Sponsored Area of the SERP. SEO and PPC are 2 actualised changed playing channels and day of them brings changed allowances to your business.

SEO, additionally acknowledged as motion businessperson optimization, is a state and alternation of casework that prizewinning helps backwards there are fondness power on your website. With the pertinent keyword assessment and admittance process, your website module intend indexed by motion engines and be awarded aery rankings on ameban listings for keywords that are concomitant to your articles and services.

However, SEO is acknowledged for its impairment in ciphering the after-effects and the instance that it needs afore one crapper wager success consistently fulfill playing owners and playing managers look signal afore consonant a SEO agency. Although SEO is slower dead backwards it comes to sight results, it is a playing move that a website calculate accept in place. In the continuing run, SEO is dead additional turn healthy backwards compared to a PPC campaign.

Let us accept that SEO is not an declaration campaign. A assemblage cannot clear money to fulfill a aery ameban SERP noble for its website. Back a cavity is hierarchical aery on ameban SERP for emphatic keywords, there is no commendation that it module fortuity in that function for a years of time. However, PPC declaration is an declaration move which a assemblage crapper clear to accept its ads stays on motion engines for a years of time. This child distortion crapper acutely ascertain the distortion amid SEO and PPC.

SEO and PPC crapper naming duke in duke in a motion businessperson playing campaign. There is a carefully knitted agreement amid SEO and PPC. One acknowledged convenance is to alpha soured with PPC move for a newborn site. As SEO takes instance to wager results, motion businessperson playing doc module commonly front astir a PPC move primaeval for above keywords that are conformable to the website. With this, the assemblage crapper ingest PPC declaration to play in targeted trucking as it waits for motion engines to foundation and surpass the newborn site.

So already SEO starts to wager results, the assemblage crapper again modify the keywords in its PPC move to edit its knowledge to additional market. The above keywords should today be already optimized and transfer in trucking from ameban listings.

PPC brings swop and provides publicity. But the power and SEO makes the visitors fortuity and change the sales. Bear in apperception that PPC is an declaration move which runs concomitant with SEO and SEO is the one which makes your website visitors fortuity and pupil into customers.

Wine Domains for Sale

Wine Domains for Sale:


More wine domains available.

Tips on Saving For a House Deposit

Tips on Saving For a House Deposit

So your thinking of investing into real estate? But you don’t have a house deposit and you want to save one. Need some tips on saving for a house deposit. This is a great (and often nessecary) thing to do before you begin to invest into the real estate market. Saving $60,000 may sound like a lot of money, but if you think about the massive investment you are becoming involved in (around $300,000 or above) then $60,000 doesn’t sound like that much.

What are the advantages of saving a house deposit?

* You don’t have to pay Lenders Mortgage Insurance

Banks and lenders often charge a fee known as Lenders Mortgage Insurance when you cannot come up with your 20% deposit. This is to insure the loan in the case that you cannot pay it back and that the house is no longer worth as much as the loan. The less of a deposit you have the higher the fee you have to pay.

* You can get a loan easier

Banks and lenders will be much happier to give you a loan with a higer deposit. This means there is less risk for them, and banks hate risk.

* You can build equity quicker

With a larger deposit, you have lower fees, lower interest rates and less money to pay back. Therefore the interest that you pay decreases significantly. This means that your loan will go down faster, and as your properties equity rises this allows you to build equity faster. Equity = Total value – total debt. Therefore if you decrease the debt quicker you increase your equity.

So what tips can I give you to help you save for a house deposit?

* Have a Goal

Have a goal of how much you want to save and when you want to have that amount saved by. Make it realistic, but also make it a decent goal worth aiming for. Studies have shown that people with strong goals achieve much more than people without goals. So set a strong goal, and then work out how you can work towards it. You may have to make some sacrifices, you may have to be flexible with your money, but set goals and work to achieve them.

* Cut Your Spending

Having a budget and cutting your spending are the first things your are going to have to look at when saving for a home loan. Obviously you want to save for a home loan as quickly as you can and in order to do that you will need to cut your spending. Often this doesn’t even involve much sacrifice (just buying clothes out of season, or shopping when the specials are on, or sales).

* Bank Your Excess

The only reason you cut your spending is so you have excess left over. You need to bank this excess (don’t just spend it on something else). “Bank little, bank lots”, it is amazing how every little bit accumulates into something much larger. Get in the habit of banking on a regular basis and leave the money in there.

* Start Earning More Money

This can be as simple as picking up a few extra hours at work, or maybe getting a second job. Better yet, why not work smarter instead of harder and earn more money for working less hours? There are many ways to do this. Personally I have chosen to make some extra money online by selling great financial training resources (CLICK HERE to buy my resources). Find ways to make extra money, and then bank ALL of it.

* Invest your money while saving

Many people when saving a home deposit just put their money in a bank account that charges them money to have it there. Why not open an online savings account at least? You can easily earn 7% on your money for doing nothing (and you can access it whenever you want for many of the online savings accounts). Say you wanted to save up $60,000 over 2 years. You saved $30,000 in the first year. If you invested that and earnt just 7% per year on that by the end of your second year it would have made you over $2,100 for doing nothing. So as you save your money invest it straight away and let your money do the work for you.

* Be Flexible

This is my last tip and it simply talks about the minset you need to have. You need to be willing to be flexible. Don’t be rigid and stick to your ways, be open minded and always looking for new ways to make some extra cash or save some extra cash. Have a mind that is open and wants to learn new things, then next time you need to save up it will be easier also. So be flexible to changes and keep an open mind

How To Start Doing Home Renovations – Starting Small

How To Start Doing Home Renovations – Starting Small

You can make a lot of money in real estate through development and renovation. However, many people go into renovating with the goal of doing a massive house, knocking down walls, changing floor plans and room layouts on their first try. If you have ever watched the show property ladder the key to being a successful developer is starting out small and then continually improving and doing bigger scale properties as you learn and as your skill set improves.

I advise that if you really want to get into property development as a money making strategy, or possibly even a full time job then you start small. What are the two main advantages of starting small?

* There is less risk

Firstly there is less monetary risk involved. You can start by investing in units and you risk a lot less if you fail. You will only need a small deposit to start, and then even if you fail then you only stand to lose a few grand. Where as if you started with a massive property you risk losing a lot more money (and if you do this can put you out of the property gain for a longtime). So starting small is good because there is less risk when you don’t really know what you are doing

* You can learn as you go

Starting on smaller sized property developments allows you to build up your skill base over time, as you learn about developing and you can develop skills in trade and different areas you need for property development. A lot of people under estimate their skill level (especially when it comes to managing a property development). If you start small you can build up your skill base and then you will be ready to do larger properties.

So now that you know the advantages that there are to starting small and building from there, then how to you start small? How can you get into the property game. What are a few tips I can offer you on how to start doing home renovations.

* Save up a deposit

Saving up a deposit is your first step towards starting your property development. Saving up a deposit can seem hard, but with a few practical steps it can actually be easier than you think. The more you save the easier it will be to get a loan and the less your costs in repayments will be. Even if you only plan on holding a property for a few months and then reselling a sufficient deposit can mean less fees and more profit in your pocket. CLICK HERE to Read More on Saving Up for your House/Unit Deposit.

* Do Your Research

Doing you research is going to be vital to your success. Firstly research how to do property development and learn all your can from books and seminars and training session. Some things you will have to learn on the job but there are many things you can learn before which will save you a lot of time and money. So research how to do property devlopment well. Secondly, research your price range. What can and can’t you afford. What areas can you afford in. Be realistic. Thirdly, research the area in which you want to buy. Look at who lives there are who your target market is (familiys, old couples, newly weds, singles). If you know your target market you can develop your property to suit them making you more money.

* Be Patient

Don’t just go out and buy the first house you see on the market. Be patient. The real estate market is flooded with properties which just aren’t right for you, wait for the right one, it will make the difference between a profit and a loss. Often waiting 6 months or more means you can find the right property for you that is cheap and great value and you can make a much larger profit than if you just jumped into it. So be patient.

* Learn from Skilled people

Many people when they start out developing want to do all the work themselves to save money. This can be useful if you have the time, but many people don’t. If and when you do get skilled people to work from you, follow them around and ask them questions. Learn everything you can from them so next time around you can do it yourself, or at least you can not get ripped off. Don’t worry if you annoy them a little bit, think of all the future properties you will do in which you will need that information.

* Be willing to take a risk

This is the final step and the hardest one for most people. Many people learn how to do development. They read the books and go to the seminars, but they never take the risk and take action.

Don’t be afraid of failing. Failing means you can learn something not to do next time. Be always learning from your mistakes and always seeking to improve. Then even if the risk you take turns out a failure you are all the more wiser for next time.

So when it comes to home renovations, start small. Start with apartments doing simple face lifts and making the place look nice. Then once you feel you have mastered that move onto bigger and better things.

Save Money For Your Home Deposit and Save The Environment Too

Save Money For Your Home Deposit and Save The Environment Too

This guest article comes from our friends at Check them out

With more of us searching for ways to contribute to a greener environment, there are some simple money saving tactics that can help you save for your down payment for your new home and still help contribute to improving our environment.
Save Money By Going Green At The Grocery Store

When we shop, we bring our groceries home in either paper sacks or plastic sacks. If you pay for your trash, paper and plastic bags not only increase your costs for trash removal but they spend time in landfills contributing to our environmental woes. Buying re-usable bags and using them each time you go to the grocery store will not only help protect our environment but will also help you save money towards your down payment.
Bike Don’t Drive & Save Money On Gas

One of the most common threats to our environment is the emissions from our cars. Using your bike to accomplish local errands such as going to the post office, the bank or even driving to work one day a week can help save money on gas (significant at today’s prices) and put that savings towards your down payment on your home while contributing to the environment.
Reduce Electricity Costs

We all have left our homes with the lights on, the bathroom fan running or left the heat on too high. There are hundreds of inexpensive timers that are available today that can regulate our lights or heat to save some serious money. Making a small investment in a timer today can pay long term benefits in saving money towards your down payment and reducing your impact on the environment at the same time.
Saving Money By Reducing Water Consumption

While this may sound impossible to do, it’s really a lot easier than you might think. Bathing instead of showering uses much more water, running water to brush your teeth and running water to rinse dishes all use up excess amounts of water. You can save money on your water bill and use those savings towards your down payment by filling your sink with water to rinse dishes (instead of running water to rinse), filling up a cup to rinse your teeth (versus running the water to do that) and also by showering instead of bathing.
Making More Money While Helping The Environment

What about some green environment tips that can actually make you some extra money? Let’s take a look at some of the fun ways you and your family can help protect the environment and even make or save a few dollars in the process!

* Returnable Cans And Bottles – Consider getting your family involved in a clean up of your neighborhood streets or a local playground. These areas are often ripe with discarded bottles and cans which can add to your savings for your home down payment. You will be contributing to not only helping our environment but also helping improve the look of your neighborhood.
* Using Food Waste And Yard Waste – Consider composting your yard waste and food waste. This waste makes great fertilizer and can save funds that will allow you to increase your savings towards your home down payment. Fertilizer is expensive but using mulching materials that you have in your own home to fertilize your flowers and lawn can result in a significant savings.
* Recycling Paper And Tin – Check in your area if there are centers that will pay you for recycling your paper and tin. These places are often available in your local supermarket parking lot. Even if they will not pay you, recycle your paper and tin to help out the environment.

Protecting the environment and saving money can go hand in hand. Apply as many of these tips as possible and you will be giving back and helping the community while saving money. Looking for more tips on how to save money while going green? You may want to check out this article with 10 ways to go green and save money at the same time.

Tips For Selling Your Home Fast In Today’s Market

Tips For Selling Your Home Fast In Today’s Market

1. Price your home aggressively – Look at the other homes in your neighborhood that have sold in the past three months (except for distressed sales) and price your home below the lowest sales price. If there are active listings in your neighborhood the price you select must also be below that of the most comparable home to yours.

2. Make your home the neighborhood showplace – Updated kitchens and baths are what hook most new home shoppers. Look to install granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and new ceramic or hardwood floors. Carpets should be as nearly new as possible. Add a new coat of paint to your home’s interior and exterior.

3. Enhance Your Home’s “Curb Appeal” – Avoid the appearance of a “drab” yard by planting colorful flowers in selected locations. Seed or plant sod in areas lacking grass. Make certain the yard is mowed, edged and mulched.

4. Clutter Must Go – Even the most up-to-date house will look disorganized if it is filled with unnecessary furniture. Remove all furniture you do not absolutely need. Also, remove personal items (including family photos and portraits). Prospective buyers want to imagine a house with their own things in it, not yours.

5. Make Certain Your Home is Properly Staged – Consider hiring a professional to “stage” your house before prospective buyers begin coming through your door, especially if your house has been vacant for a while. A professional stager will generally charge between $1,000 and $2,000, and arrange home furnishings so that prospects can more easily envision their own furniture in the house. At the same time, an experienced stager can add a touch of class to your home.

6. Don’t Forget Financial Incentives – Offer buyers’ agents a four percent commission rather than the traditional three percent, along with closing cost assistance to buyers. Closing cost assistance is especially attractive now that credit has tightened significantly and 100% loans are next to impossible to obtain.

Homes that take months to sell often require the asking price to be cut multiple times. Additional costs to the seller include continuing mortgage payments, utilities, taxes and insurance, repairs and other associated costs. Following the six tips outlined above can help to greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to sell a home in today’s market

Buy And Bail Houses

Some buy a new home to bail on the old
Next month, Michelle Augustine plans to walk away from her four-bedroom house in a Sacramento, Calif., subdivision and let the property fall into foreclosure. But before doing so, she hopes to lock in the purchase of another home nearby.

“I can find the same exact house as what I live in right now for half the price,” says Ms. Augustine, 44 years old, who runs a child-care service out of her home. She says she soon will be unable to afford her monthly payments, which will jump to $4,000 from $3,300 in August, and she doesn’t want to continue to own a home that is now worth $200,000 less than what she paid for it two years ago.

In markets hit hardest by falling home prices and rising foreclosures, lenders and brokers are discovering a new phenomenon: the “buy and bail,” in which borrowers with good credit buy a new home – often at a much lower price – then bail out of the “upside down” mortgage on their first home.

Homeowners are able to pull off this gambit – which some lenders and real-estate agents call mortgage by taking advantage of mortgage-lending practices that allow them to buy a new primary residence before their existing residence has been sold. And with the lending industry in disarray as it tries to restructure millions of mortgages, some boast they are able to pull off the strategy with ease. In some cases, homeowners are coached through the buy-and-bail process by real-estate agents and brokers who see nothing wrong with it. Some blame the phenomenon in part on lenders’ unwillingness to cut deals or restructure loans made when home prices were inflated. “It’s just a <a class=”iAs” style=”border-bottom: 0.075em solid darkgreen ! important; font-weight: normal ! important; font-size: 100% ! important; text-decoration: underline ! important; padding-bottom: 1px ! important; color: darkgreen ! important; background-color: transparent ! important;” decision,” says Linda Caoili, a Sacramento real-estate agent who is working with Ms. Augustine and others who are considering walking away from their mortgages. “If you’re upside-down $250,000, why would you keep it? It just doesn’t make sense.”

To be sure, walking away from a mortgage, even if legal, has plenty of drawbacks: Borrowers lose the ability to take out unsecured loans, since foreclosures can stay on a credit report for seven years. In some states, lenders can sue for assets, including a new house. Fannie Mae, the government-sponsored mortgage underwriter, recently revised the amount of time borrowers with a foreclosure must wait to receive a home loan to five years from four. Proposed Fannie Mae guidelines, which could take effect later this month, also would require those borrowers to make a 10 percent down payment and meet a minimum credit score after the five-year period. While buy-and-bail is on the rise, the practice doesn’t appear to be widespread. Credit is much tighter now than it was during the real-estate boom, and most families with an upside-down mortgage likely will hold on to their homes and hope the market improves in the future – even though many of them could lose their properties. Still, with home prices falling rapidly in some parts of the country, a growing number of frustrated consumers are willing to take the risk – especially in so-called nondeficiency states such as California and Arizona, where it is more difficult for a lender to sue consumers who walk away from their mortgages. Borrowers who bought or refinanced their home with a personal line of credit, however, instead of a home-purchase loan – a common practice during the housing boom – could be sued by a lender in those states. Borrowers also could be on the hook if lenders can show that homeowners committed fraud by misrepresenting themselves on their loan application.

Yet even in cases in which a lender could attach a lien on the new home, some homeowners simply assume that lenders are too swamped. “So many people are foreclosing, is it cost effective for lenders to go after all of these people?” says Steve Hawks, a Las Vegas real-estate agent who handles lender-owned properties. That works in the favor of borrowers such as Blair Morrow. Last year, he rented out his Sacramento home when he moved to Houston for a new job, but he lost those renters in February. He quickly arranged to buy a new home in Houston, fearing that his old residence would be foreclosed and he would take a big hit on his credit. “I had 30 days to make a decision: Live in a rental house the rest of my life or buy a house and walk away from the one in California,” says Mr. Morrow, 56, who works at a car dealership. He wrestled with the decision for a while, but justified it once Countrywide Financial Corp., the lender for his first home, approved the new home loan. “Countrywide didn’t say peep,” he says. Countrywide didn’t return calls seeking comment. Ms. Augustine, the Sacramento day-care provider, became a first-time homeowner in November 2006 by taking out two loans with nothing down to cover the $426,000 home purchase. With her home valued at about $220,000 now, she is actively looking in nearby communities for another one to buy before the bank forecloses on her current home. The mortgage industry is starting to wise up to the practice and is scrambling to fight back. Buy-and-bail is “certainly fraudulent and unfortunately on an uptick,” says Gwen Muse-Evans, vice president for credit policy and controls at Fannie Mae. Although she doesn’t have data to quantify the size and scope of the trend, Ms. Muse-Evans says overwhelming anecdotal reports have prompted the agency to draft tougher regulations aimed at closing one big loophole that allows underwater homeowners to qualify for new home loans. That loophole currently works like this: Homeowners provide a rental agreement showing that they will rent out their first home, and underwriters allow rental income to cover as much as 75 percent of the mortgage payments on the first home when determining whether the borrower can make payments on two homes. This allows homeowners to secure a second mortgage that they might not otherwise afford.

Under revised Fannie Mae guidelines, which could take effect next week, loan applicants who claim they will rent out their first home will have to produce supporting evidence, including an executed lease agreement. Borrowers also will have to prove that they can pay the mortgage, property taxes and <a class=”iAs” style=”border-bottom: 0.075em solid darkgreen ! important; font-weight: normal ! important; font-size: 100% ! important; text-decoration: underline ! important; padding-bottom: 1px ! important; color: darkgreen ! important; background-color: transparent ! important;” for both residences. The guidelines will make an exception only for borrowers who have at least 30 percent equity in their current home. Of course, many individuals still can qualify for that second loan because of a strong credit and cash position. If they “have the intention of fraud, then at the end of the day there’s really little you can do to totally prevent that,” says Ms. Muse-Evans. Some private lenders aren’t waiting for Fannie’s lead. In April, underwriters handling bank-owned properties at IndyMac Bancorp Inc. told brokers they would require borrowers purchasing new homes while retaining their existing home as a rental to prove that they could make full payments on both homes to qualify for a loan. A memo sent to a Southern California broker said the policy change was prompted by “losses from individuals walking away from properties after the acquisition of a new home.” An IndyMac spokesman said the bank hadn’t changed its policies and had always “underwritten loans with an eye towards insuring that our borrowers could readily rent out their current property and/or reasonably support both payments.” Realtors say the new guidelines could put further pressure on sales, but Lawrence Yun, chief economist for the National Association of Realtors, says the impact of such guidelines on sales would be marginal. He calls Fannie Mae’s response appropriate because any artificial increase in home sales hurts the average consumer. Meanwhile, Mr. Hawks, the Las Vegas broker, says he receives one to two dozen inquiries every week from individuals inquiring about a buy-and-bail. “People are starting to ask how much their good credit is worth,” particularly when their home is underwater by hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The tactic doesn’t appeal to people such as John Ristuccia, a 48-year-old Buckeye, Ariz., paper-company sales director whose job was moved to Houston in August. He is trying to complete a “short sale” for $425,000 on his five-bedroom, 4,000-square-foot home, which was appraised for $800,000 last year. In a short sale, a lender allows the sale of property for less than the amount due on the outstanding loan and often forgives the remaining debt.

Even though he might be able to qualify for a second home loan, Mr. Ristuccia says he wouldn’t consider sticking his bank with his suburban Phoenix property. “Just personally I’ve got a problem with that,” he says. “I really can’t put it in terms other than it feels wrong.”

Wine Buying Tip

Wine Buying Tip

This is the only Wine Buying Tip you ever need to know!!!

1. Know your store

Every wine shop is different. Different focus, different selections, different pricing structures. Choose the one that works best for you. If you are new to the wine game and every bottle on the shelf is over $50 then you are probably in the wrong place. Look for stores that have either organized wine tastings or have wine available by the glass. What better way to know if you like a wine before buying than to taste it?

2. Have a plan

Have in mind what the wine is for before you are bogged down by numerous regions, prices, etc. Are you looking for a simple wine to serve with dinner or planning a party for twenty? Knowing what you are looking for before you are in the store will help you to make better selections than just walking in and browsing until something strikes your fancy.

3. Don’t be afraid to bring resources

There is a myriad of different sources of information on wine out there and bringing some with you to the store can only help in making an informed decision. Books, magazines, brochures and even, ahem, websites provide valuable information on producers and vintages that it is impossible to keep track of. The difference between a good vintage and a so-so vintage can be the difference in a wonderful wine and a so-so one. Resources such as The Wine Spectator and The Wine Advocate and even yours truly at offer ratings of individual wines that can be extremely useful when selecting a wine, but remember: just because a wine isn’t rated or has a mediocre score doesn’t mean it is a bad wine. These are guidelines and someone else’s opinion.

4. Survey the land

Don’t get caught in one section of the wine store. While some locales are very well organized, many are not, and the best bargain of the day may be just around the aisle. A quick trip around the shop to gain your bearings might be a good way to make sure that nothing is missed.

5. Develop a relationship with the owner/salesperson

Never be afraid to ask for help or a recommendation. Running into the pushy salesperson may be inevitable, but usually anyone working in the store will share your enthusiasm for the grape and asking what they like may get you a great bottle of wine. Also any salesperson worth their salt can get a feel for what you enjoy after a few trips to the store or even after answering just a few well-placed questions. Return trips and evaluations of what you tried last week can help the salesperson to judge your tastes.

6. Price does not equal quality

While a monstrous price tag may be well deserved for that bottle of 20-year-old Bordeaux, wines today are increasingly priced according to start-up costs for the winery or even the level of investment from outside sources instead of quality or reputation. In fact, wines from the traditional wine growing regions are sure to be higher in price than something from a less known vineyard area regardless of how good the wine is. Use your resources!

7. Look for value regions and 2nd labels

Many wine regions are known for their ability to produce very nice wines at still reasonable prices. Spain, Australia, Argentina and Chile are just a few countries to try. Another option is to try wine from areas just outside of more well known wine growing regions. Instead of the pricey Pomerol in Bordeaux, try Lalande-de-Pomerol. Same grape (Merlot) from just down the road at a much lower price. Also, look for the 2nd labels of more established wineries. These are wines sold under a different label from a quality winery sold at a lower price, a practice quite common in Bordeaux and gaining steam in California.

8. Be willing to experiment

Trying something new can be a great way to learn about new wines and new countries. Try a recommendation from someone at the shop, sample a new region, or even go with the advice of the shelf talking card pinned next to a wine. It may be the best wine that you have ever had!

9. Buy discounted wine

Most shops offer a 10% discount on wine sold by the case, mixed or not. Look for any close-out specials or wines on sale. Because it is half-off doesn’t mean it is terrible. Wines are often sold at what the state dictates, and it may be more than what the market will bear. These may be marked down significantly before the next vintage arrives, and can offer significant savings to the consumer.

10. Buy wine online

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There are numerous sites that offer online sales of wine. These sites can offer wines at considerably less than your local store or have hard to find rarities. Be forewarned: Many states do not allow point-to-point sales of wine or alcohol. Most sites will list which states they can ship to. This is a contentious issue soon to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, but until then make sure you read the fine print.

Well, there you have it. This is by no means all you need to know when buying wine but it will certainly help you along your way. Use these ten points and the trepidation of wine buying should fade to the bottom of your stomach like the tannins of an old port. It should be loved and looked forward to like shopping for any thing of beauty, like going to the car parts store for your ‘67 Chevy or to the jewelry store on Valentine’s Day. The best part is how much do they have at the jewelry store for less than ten dollars?