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Top 10 Beer Myths

Top 10 Beer Myths

It seems like there is always that guy in the bar that has a crazy story about the beer he’s drinking. The worst part, sometimes its believable, so you tell someone, then they tell someone, and thats a beer myth. Here are ten of the more outrageous myths about beer and what you need to know to set that guy in the bar straight.

Beer Myth 1: Beat the Beer Belly with Light Beer

OK, light beers have maybe 90-100 calories, regular beers generally have less than 200 calories. A beer lover would say the difference is comparable to the difference between McDonalds and a 5 star restaurant. A dietician would tell you the difference is negligible. So unless you are drinking 300 beers a week, I would drink the good stuff.

Beer Myth 2: The darker the beer, the more alcohol it contains

Not even close. Guinness is black, and has 4.2% alcohol. The color of a beer comes from the toasted malts, which has no effect on alcohol content. Ingredients like rice syrup, honey, and corn syrup add alcohol to beer, but do not influence the color.

Beer Myth 3: Beer is ruined if warmed and then refrigerated

This can be true, if you do it many, many times, and it will happen gradually. People think re-chilling beer will cause it to be “skunked”. Beer can be ruined by air, light and time. Temperature won’t ruin a beer unless it’s extreme. Get fresh beer and store it in dark place, and it will be fine.

Beer Myth 4: Imported beers have more alcohol than domestic beers

This comes from the way US beers reported their beers’ alcohol content. The rest of the world uses “Alcohol by Volume”, here is the US they used “Alcohol By Weight”. Since beer weighs less than water, US beers had smaller numbers, but not less alcohol.

Beer Myth 5: The Guinness they serve in Ireland is better

It seems widely accepted that beer in “the old country” is better than what they export to the rest of the world. The brewing process is cheap, so why would a brewery risk their reputation by brewing a different beer for export? It doesn’t make sense, and it’s not true. With few exceptions, the beer that is exported is the exact same beer that they serve in the bar across the street from the brewery. The difference is purely freshness. It takes two weeks for a keg of Guinness to get from Dublin to your favorite bar in the states. Some beers, like Fosters, is brewed in Canada under a license for sale in the US. But it is clearly stated on the bottle when this is the case.

Beer Myth 6: Beer shouldn’t be Bitter

The bitterness of a beer comes from the hops. Hops are in all beers to balance the sweet malts and to act as a preservative. Some beers have a lot of hops, like India Pale Ales (IPAs) and some beers have less hops, like Wheat Beers. Hops can give a beer complexity and add all sorts of flavors and aromas, like pine, citrus, and earthiness. Hops are why people say beer is an acquired taste, but they also make beer delicious.

Beer Myth 7: The best beers are in green bottles.

As it turns out, brown bottles protect the beer from the light much better than green bottles or clear bottles. This myth comes from when there was a shortage of brown glass in Europe after WWII. The European beers were bottled in green instead, so green bottles came to represent imports. This certainly isn’t the case anymore.

Beer Myth 8: The Thai beer Singha has formaldehyde in it

It seems widely believed that Singha is brewed with formaldehyde, as is Chang beer, San Miguel, Vietnamese 33, and Singapore’s Tiger Beer. The most believable explanation for this one is that Singha is much more bitter and contains more alcohol than most lagers. When American or British expatriots and soldiers were drinking beer in Thailand, they got drunk much more quickly then they were used to, and it was much more bitter flavor then they were used to. To explain this it was suggested that it contained formaldehyde. Crazy.

Beer Myth 9: Corona is Mexican Piss

In the 1980s there was a rumor that Mexican workers were peeing in the Corona tanks that were destined for the US. Certainly alarmingly disgusting… if true. As it turns out this myth was started as a result of Corona’s rising popularity in the US market, and who was jealous? Heineken. This was nothing more than a rumor started by a Heineken wholesaler in Reno. It all worked out, the guy from Heineken admitted his wrongdoing, and Corona continued it’s rise to popularity. But the rumor can still be heard today in bars across the country.

Beer Myth 10: Women don’t like beer

Thats crazy! My wife loves beer almost as much as I do. Women have brewed more beer than men in the History of Beer. Sister Doris in Bavaria brews Mallersdorf lager. Fortunately, this myth is far from true.

A Guide to Winemaking

WineMaking Technology is part of the Wine Affiliation Program.

Although the basic winemaking process is the same for most wines there are variations in it depending on the type of wine that is being made. Let’s firstly take a look at the basic steps of winemaking in general:

1. The first thing you need for standard wine production is the grape! So, the first stage of the winemaking process is to crush your grapes to release the juices and to allow them to ferment. The crushing can still be done by foot although many larger wine producers will now use machinery that will crush the grapes and remove the stems at the same time. In some cases the grapes will also be pressed to make sure that all of the juice is extracted. This fermentation process can take a couple of weeks – here yeast will start to change the grape juice sugar into alcohol.

2. Once this first fermentation process is done most wines will undergo another fermentation (usually after a filtration process) – usually in casks or other containers. This process allows the sugars that are left to change into alcohol more slowly and the wine will also change from cloudy to clear.

3. In some cases the wine will now be bottled and ready for drinking (early aged wines are often known as ‘green’ wines) and in others it will be left to age in barrels to help the flavour develop over a period of months. Some winemakers will mix wines at this stage to make a specific ‘taste’ or to improve on deficiencies in the taste of a wine.

Although this winemaking process applies in general terms for most wines there are variations during the process to make specific types of wine. For example:

  • Red wines are made from red/black grapes and their skins.
  • White wines are made from white grapes or from red grapes (although here the skins are removed early to avoid colouration).
  • Rose wines are made from red grapes and are given just enough contact with the grape skins for the wine to turn a rose colour.
  • Sparking wines such as champagnes are made by giving the wine another fermentation process when the wine is bottled. This extra process traps carbon dioxide in the wine which gives it the fizz!

Famous Wine Regions

Wine is made and marketed all over the world nowadays. It used to be that only ‘Old World’ regions such as the wine-making areas of France were perceived to be the best producers here but, nowadays, ‘New World’ regions such as America are producing great quality wines as well. Some of the most famous wine regions include:

* Alsace – the French region of Alsace borders with Germany and is the home to many famous and highly regarded wines.

* Andalucia – this region of Spain is famous for its sherry and its selection of wines.

* Bordeaux – this French region is primarily known for its classic red wines.

* Burgundy – France’s Burgundy region produces some of the best known wines in the world.

* California/Napa Valley – California is held to be one of the brightest stars in the ‘New World’ firmament.

* Cape Winelands – based near Cape Town in South Africa this is now held to be the 7th top ranked wine production region in the world in terms of quantity.

* Champagne – Champagne is the home to the French classic sparkling wine of the same name.

* Hunter Valley – Australia’s Hunter Valley produces all kinds of wines and some highly regarded vintages.

* Loire Valley – this French region is one of the most famous wine-making regions in the world. It is perhaps best known for the white wines it produces but also produces high quality red wines as well.

* Mendoza – based in Argentina, Mendoza has a range of vineyards located by the Andes.

* Oregon – Oregon in the USA has a range of vineyards that produce over 40 different types of highly regarded wines.

* Piedmont – Italy’s Piedmont region produces various highly regarded wines including Barolos and Barbarescos.

* Porto – this Portuguese region is best known for its production of port.

* Rheinhessen – this is the largest wine producing region of Germany. It was once known simply as the home of Liebfraumilch but now produces a variety of highly regarded wines.

* Tuscany – Italy’s Tuscany is probably best known for its Chianti. domain is for sale domain is for sale just $4550 obo

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Solar Energy and the growth of Renewable

Welcome to – This site is dedicated to providing you with useful information and trends on solar energy and alternative resources.

Learn about the upcoming developments in the field of solar power, geothermal energy and whether biofuels are all they’re cracked up to be.

More than that, you’ll find out how the remarkable technology that converts good old sunlight into electricity works, the efforts and costs it takes to solar power your house, and which are the best solar products out there.

We also have a section where you can have your say, and comment on the trends you are seeing or would like to see. Or perhaps just leave responses to the topics already started.

Thankyou for visiting, I hope you enjoy the brief piece on Solar energy below:

Solar Energy – Lets heat things up

So what’s all the fuss about? Experts and commentators keep on talking about the benefits of solar energy and how it can help solve our increasing energy demands, but why all the noise? Well first of all it’s free and there’s an infinite supply. It produces no air or water pollution, there are no noise issues, it emits no toxins – making it the perfect energy alternative to wood, coal, oil and gas. So before the finite supply of fossil fuel runs out, now is definitely the time to learn how to make the switch to solar.

The good news Is by harnessing sunlight and converting it to usable energy we could greatly diminish our reliance on electricity and foreign imports of fossil fuels while limiting the amount of pollutants we send into the atmosphere. Best of all, the key to reduced electricity bills and helping the environment is available at a store near you. Solar panels now come in easy-to-install kits; outdoor lights are wire and hassle-free when powered by solar energy. But the problem with fledgling technologies is actually getting the latest research and up to date information, and solar energy is no different. But that’s where this site comes in.

Maybe you’re planning to install some solar panels, seriously thinking about an alternative to heat up your swimming pool or curious about solar-powered cars? A solar gadget is just the thing you need to shave some dollars off your electricity bill while doing something good for the environment. But perhaps you’re confused and don’t know where to start? The things you need to know are all right here….So please take a look around.

Alternative Energy Sources

Our world runs on coal, gas, wood and fossil fuel. Although an easy and dependable source of power, fossil fuels and their by-products are the major contributors to the environmental deterioration of the planet. Growing population and rapid industrialization have put a strain on our world and its finite supply of natural resources. Yet it’s only a matter of time before the supply of fossil fuel runs out.

The good news is, we have come up with promising alternative sources of energy. By harnessing the infinite resources of the sun, the wind, water and the tides, we have come up with non-perishable and non-polluting substitutes for fossil fuel. Furthermore, the same chemical reaction that produces the sun’s massive energy, nuclear fusion has become a real, viable and very powerful alternative. Although all of these measures are not entirely devoid of negative consequences, they are considered to be far less damaging than those sustained by fossil fuels.

Solar Energy

In sunny Florida and sun-drenched California, houses gleam with big shiny panels on the roofs. These homes are part of the growing number of American families whose energy needs are being met by solar power.

Harnessing the sun’s energy is relatively simple technology. Solar cells, typically referred to as “photovoltaic” cells, transform sunlight directly into electricity. The electricity generated from solar cells can be used to power practically all gadgets – from simple calculators and wristwatches to central heating systems and swimming pools.

Why switch to solar? First of all, the sun’s energy supply is unlimited. In fact, the sun provides us with enough solar energy in a day to meet our worldwide consumption needs for a year. To join this silent revolution you will need the latest solar panels. Although solar panels can be quite an expensive investment, the reduction of your household’s energy requirements translates into hefty savings in the long run. And if that’s not enough, there’s also the fact that you have done your bit for our planet’s growing environmental problem.

Nuclear Energy

Stars are products of a nuclear reaction, the process wherein two nuclei collide. This causes a release of immense energy, enabling these balls of fire to shine for billions of years. And the good news is, there is a way to use this massively powerful chemical reaction in our very own planet.

This highly controversial technology also shows the most potential. Immense energy is produced through nuclear reaction and if harnessed safely and effectively, nuclear energy could solve most of the world’s fossil fuel shortage. Currently, nuclear energy is produced using the nuclear fission theory, where the nuclei of atoms are split to release energy. However, this technology, as unfortunately demonstrated by the Chernobyl explosion, has proven to be very dangerous and prone to leaks and emission of toxic waste.

A much safer option lies with fusion power. In nuclear fusion, two atomic nuclei are joined together to form a heavier nucleus, thus releasing huge amounts of energy in the process. Though still in its early stages of development, nuclear fusion might just be the answer to our enormous demand for alternative energy.

Geothermal Energy

The mighty Romans were one of the first people to harness and enjoy the beauty of geothermal energy. Men have used hot springs for bathing, cooking food and removing feathers and skin from game. Fast forward several thousand years and the ancient hot springs are now today’s urbane health spas and heated swimming pools. Still, hot water and steam are used for far more than rest and relaxation. In fact, they can be channeled to generate electricity.

Geothermal energy is heat derived from the earth’s core. Wide-scale use of geothermal energy is obtained by drilling wells into reservoirs to enable hot water from the earth’s core to be processed and converted into usable electricity. Since it doesn’t entail denudation of forests and damming of rivers, geothermal energy is an affordable and sustainable answer to our acute dependence on fossil fuels.

Fuel cells

Experts predict that fuel cell technology will become one of the world’s most widely used alternative sources of environmental-friendly energy. This technology has shown such potential that governments in various countries have shown their support for research and development of fuel cells.

Basically, a fuel cell is similar to a battery in the sense that it converts chemicals to energy through a device. Powered by hydrogen and oxygen, a fuel cell produces heat and electricity infinitely as it does not require recharging. Since fuel cells rely on chemistry and not combustion, there is no polluting emissions or toxic wastes. Moreover, since hydrogen is a renewable resource, fuel cells are a cleaner and more efficient alternative to fossil fuels.

With global warming becoming increasingly hard to ignore, the challenge is to seek out better alternatives to fossil fuel. With oil prices rising and the supply of wood and coal dwindling, now is definitely the time to make the switch.

We might not notice it right away but the world is fast becoming a gargantuan trash bin. Just last year, the global levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide rose to 19 billion tons. In addition, methane levels reached 27 million tons after almost a decade. Useful or not, fossil fuels have done a good job damaging the environment.

As we all know, fossil fuels have become some of the major culprits of the earth’s wear and tear. The burning of coal, oil and natural gas contribute largely to carbon dioxide emissions.

Half of these emissions are absorbed by the planet’s vegetation, soil and oceans. The leftovers remain in the atmosphere for centuries or even longer.

With all the disadvantages that fossil fuels pose on humans and the environment, the call for alternative sources is set to become louder.

Some of the alternative energy sources that are perceived to help restore the environment (or at least not be as damaging) include tidal energy, hydroelectric energy, wind energy and biofuels.

Tidal energy

Tidal energy refers to the rising and falling of sea levels that can be used to generate electricity. Typically, tidal power can be obtained by building a dam across the opening to a tidal basin. The dam is built with a sluice that is opened to let the tide flow into the basin. When the sluice is closed and the sea level falls, conventional hydropower technologies can be utilized to produce electricity from the elevated water in the tidal basin.

With tidal energy, there is no traditional burning of fuel involved. As a result, it produces no greenhouse gases or other wastes. One disadvantage of tidal energy is that it can only be harnessed in areas with significant water level changes.

Also, tidal energy systems can pose environmental effects on tidal basins as they lessen tidal flow and cause silt buildup.

Hydroelectric energy

Hydroelectric power is the largest source of renewable power in the world and provides one-fifth of the world’s electricity.

It is a renewable energy source that depends on the hydrologic cycle of water, which involves evaporation, precipitation and the flow of water as a result of gravity.

Technically, converting water into electricity involves the use of a device called a hydraulic turbine that turns flowing water into mechanical energy, which is then converted to electricity with the use of a hydroelectric generator.

Hydroelectric energy doesn’t cause pollution since producing it doesn’t create heat or toxic gases. It also doesn’t involve the use of fuel and requires low operating and maintenance costs.

While it does not cause pollution, it has certain impacts on the environment such as loss of wildlife habitat and destruction of ecosystems.

Wind energy

Since ancient times, people have relied on the wind’s energy. More than 5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians used the wind to sail ships. Others built windmills to grind wheat and other grains. Today, the wind is used to generate electricity.

Wind energy is non-polluting, sustainable and available in infinite quantities. Best of all, nature’s gift is ours for free. For these reasons, great gusts of wind are harnessed into the more usable mechanical energy and electricity. Though wind is still not a primary source of energy, it has served almost two million households in the United States in the past few years.

Wind energy is a clean fuel, resulting in zero byproducts or polluting effects. While wind generators do not pollute the air, they are quite noisy and have been known to have a negative effect on wild birds. Although the sight of gleaming blades turning and twisting in the air can be beautiful for the occasional tourists, they are considered an eyesore for many as they destroy the beauty of natural scenic landscapes. Nevertheless, a terrain decked with windmills is definitely a much prettier sight than the traditional smoke-emitting power plants.


Did you know that GM passenger vehicles and the Mercedes Benz E Class have something in common? They are all capable of running on biofuels, which have been regarded by many as better alternatives to gasoline.

In a time of rapidly increasing prices at the fuel tank, it might be time to make the switch to biofuels. Also known as agrofuel, this alternative source of energy is derived from renewable resources, such as plants and organic waste as a substitute to fossil fuels. Biofuels have found their main use in the transportation sector, with many automobile manufacturers going green with their new breed of eco-friendly, biofuel-powered cars.

Automobiles are a major contributor to pollution. By looking for alternatives to gasoline environmentalists are hoping to drastically lessen the emission of toxic fumes in the coming years. Biofuels are touted as one of the best alternative energy sources for the transportation sector, as they emit over 50% less greenhouse gas than fossil fuels.

In fact, the use of biofuels has become more popular and widespread all over the world. The rising price of oil coupled with the recent trend of environmental awareness has triggered many to make the switch.

Alternative energy sources show remarkable promise in helping to decrease the amount of toxic substances produced by fossil fuels. Not only do they provide defense against dangerous by-products, they also help safeguard many of the natural resources that we presently depend on as sources of energy.

Sources of Renewable Energy

We cannot rely on fossil fuel forever. Rising oil prices and environmental problems are proving this point. Our earth is also showing signs of strain, with the symptoms of global warming felt throughout the world. It’s high time to switch to Plan B – alternative sources of energy.

Why make the switch to renewables? Contrary to fossil fuels, the supply of renewable energy is virtually infinite. Using alternative energy also reduces our global reliance on fossil fuels, thus reducing the emission of carbon dioxide and other pollutants to the atmosphere. The world is now turning to renewable energy to augment their traditional electricity needs. In fact, over 7% of total energy consumption in the United States comes from renewables, and almost 20% worldwide.

Nature abounds with resources that can be harnessed for renewable energy. A few decades ago, the only real renewable energy alternative to fossil fuels was hydropower. Thanks to the latest developments in science and technology, the sun, wind and water are now being harnessed to produce usable and renewable energy. Although energy generation from falling water is still today’s largest source of alternative energy, we have now begun to tap many of nature’s other infinite resources. Let us take a look at some of them:

  • Solar energy – through the use of photovoltaic cells or solar panels, the sun’s heat and light can be converted into electricity for lighting and heating homes, industries and commercial establishments.
  • Wind energy – the wind’s energy is captured by windmills or wind turbines, converting its force into mechanical energy. Many agricultural farms used wind-generated electricity for pumping water and grinding grain.
  • Water energy – The force produced from the strong movement of water currents can be converted to energy, called hydroelectric power.
  • Biomass – Biofuels are made from the organic matter of plants. And are often used as an additive to petroleum-based fuel to lessen its toxic emissions.

Renewable Energy: A Quick Guide

With the oil price hike and the threat of global warming and climate change looming over our heads, scientists and economists have tapped into nature for alternative sources of energy to liberate us from high electricity bills and dependence on foreign imports. Thankfully, we do not have to look very far. The sunshine, falling water, strong gusts of wind and the push of tides are now being harnessed to produce powerful and usable energy.

So far, the technological developments and market acceptance of renewable energy has been promising. The United States is home to two of the world’s largest alternative energy power installations: the solar thermal power plant in the Mojave Desert and the geothermal power plant in The Geysers in California. On the other side of the world, Brazil is the leading producer of ethanol, a biofuel made from sugar cane and Japan is the largest exporter of solar panels. In fact, almost 20% of the world’s total energy consumption comes from renewable sources.

Renewables provide the solution to three major challenges facing the traditional fossil fuel-powered energy sources: cost efficiency, environmental protection and energy security.[1] With more alternatives available, access to cheap and effective energy will be available to more people all over the world. This lessens our dependence on oil-producing countries and somehow balances the unequal distribution of fossil fuels worldwide.

The infrastructure for renewable energy is sometimes criticized for being unsightly or cumbersome. Solar panels need a large land area and windmills can be visually unpleasing. However, these drawbacks are merely superficial compared to what renewable energy has done – and will do- for the economy and the environment. The world is rapidly taking notice. In fact, renewable energy already accounts for close to 20% of global energy consumption.

So bright is the future of renewable energy that in the near future, they are no longer alternatives but the main option.

Biofuels: Are they really a serious substitute to oil?

Americans have become increasingly dependent on oil to fuel their homes, their cars and their lives. Our increased reliance on gasoline has reached a dangerous tipping point and could lead to economic and environmental peril. Unless we decide to seriously cut our heavy usage of oil, we could be looking at a world of environmental damage and immensely high prices at the fuel tanks.

In recent years, scientists, researchers and environmentalists have been coming up with ways to solve the energy and environmental crisis. So far, we have been successful in harnessing energy from natural resources such as the sun, wind, tides and water.

However, with America’s increased use and demand in the transport sector, an alternative to oil is needed to cut our reliance on imports. The answer lies in biofuels.

Biofuels are simply fuel that is made from plants and their materials. Currently, ethanol, which is the product of corn kernels, is the world’s major biofuel. And in just a few years time, cellulosic biofuels made from plants’ leaves and stalks could effectively fill our fuel needs while not simultaneously contributing to pollution. Who knew that the answer to our energy needs and environmental concerns is in our backyards.

With recent developments and technological advancements, biofuels could soon be ready to compete with gas at the fuel pumps. And here are some of the reasons why, in the next few years, biofuels can effectively substitute oil to fill up your gas tank:

  • Biofuels are cost-effective and can even be priced lower than gas and diesel
  • Biofuels can reduce pollution. With more cars making the switch to biofuels, vehicle emissions will be reduced as biofuel is a clean and zero-emission way to power your car
  • Biofuels will benefit the farmers by providing a new source of revenue. The recent advancements and demand in the renewable energy sector has generated more jobs for people in the agricultural sector. This obviously has a disadvantage of raising commodity prices, but this trend isn’t going anywhere soon.

Global Warming – The Story

The signs that our planet is sending can be ignored no longer. Nature is changing its course. Powerful storms, more intense droughts, warmer weathers, heat waves, gigantic fires and continual melting of the polar ice caps are a constant occurrence and a part of the daily evening news. Experts think these are all signs of global warming – symptoms of an ailing planet in the throes of a coma.

What is global warming?

Many have said that global warming is a problem for future generations. However, its arrival cannot be denied anymore and there is compelling and mounting evidence that it is now taking place.

Here are some of the signs:

  • The last 12 years have been recorded as the warmest on record for global surface temperature.
  • For the past 50 years, the rate of warming has increased twofold.
  • Severe weather events have taken place more regularly in the past 50 years.
  • There has been a reported temperature increase of 1-degree Fahrenheit in most of the United States over the past century.

All these point to one of the most serious challenges we as a people have to face.

As the planet gets warmer, there will be noticeable changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea levels, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans.

Global warming is a naturally occurring phenomenon and is even necessary to maintain life on the planet and enable survival. It is responsible for keeping the earth’s temperature at a comfortable level, 60°F to be exact. However, the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere has fast-tracked global warming at alarming levels. Our planet has been growing increasingly warmer by 1°F over the past century and is at its warmest state today than at any other point in the millennium. The notable increase in temperature and the terrifying disturbances in the weather are difficult to deny. Our world is definitely growing hotter.

The signs of global warming have been manifesting themselves for years. Heat waves, rise in sea levels, warming of the poles and melting glaciers have longed warned us of a meteorological calamity that has now arrived. Furthermore, as global warming becomes more frequent, continuous and widespread, recent events are an omen of an impending catastrophe. The spread of disease, earlier onset of spring, plant and animal changes, coral reef bleaching, downpours, fires and droughts are the disastrous effects brought about by the changing climate.

Cause of global warming

Greenhouse gases are naturally released into the atmosphere as part of nature’s innate processes, it is man and his blatant disregard for his environment that is the cause of the unnatural global warming that we experience today.

The main culprit of global warming is the pollutants emitted from the burning of fossil fuel. When coal or oil is burned, they release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These toxins trap the sun’s heat, thus causing the earth to heat up. Coal-burning power plants and automobiles are the largest source of carbon dioxide pollution, emitting billions of tons of toxic fumes into our fragile atmosphere each year.

Effects of global warming

As the concentration of greenhouse gases swells, the sun’s heat is trapped in the atmosphere and cannot be released back into space. Trapped sunlight causes temperatures to rise, thus drastically changing climate and altering weather patterns. Nature then behaves uncharacteristically – seasons become shorter, coastal flooding more frequent and storms more severe.

Most alarming of all are the melting of the polar ice caps. This causes sea levels to rise, thus throwing the global ecosystem out of whack. A snowballing effect is certain to ensue – increased temperatures will bring about changes in landscape, thus making it extremely difficult for plants and animals to survive.

Humans are not immune from the devastating effects of global warming. Desertification, or the expansion of deserts, will render large areas of the world uninhabitable. Droughts and floods could create food and water shortages and trigger widespread migration and even war.

Global warming is here and its effects are inevitable. Despite this upsetting news, there is a positive side. Worldwide efforts have been made to find solutions to minimize the effects of global warming such as cutting down energy use, mobilizing renewable resources, and employing alternative sources of energy. Only man’s collective efforts at reversing his own misdoings can recover our planet. It is about time we start to care.

Global Warming: What we can do about it

“Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.”

Mark Twain

2005 was the hottest year ever. In fact, the last few years have been the warmest years on record. Global temperatures are 1.0F warmer than they were a year ago – and the heat is accelerating at a breakneck pace.

Hurricanes and storms have increased in number and intensity over the years. Hurricane Katrina and the Indian Ocean tsunami were not mere coincidences. Meteorologists have reached a consensus that the onslaught of super typhoons and intense tornadoes are brought about by the unnatural changes in the climate. The increased level of pollutants trapped in the earth’s atmosphere is causing global warming, thus making our weather patterns go awry. These natural disasters have caused billions in property damage, as well as the loss of countless lives.

Polar bears are in danger of extinction. We have lost sea ice the size of Texas. Some scientists are predicting that 2040 could be the Artic’s first ice-free summer. All these are signs of global warming and a planet collapsing under the strain of pollution and mismanagement.

Melting polar ice caps. Earlier springs. Rising sea levels. Extinction of species. Coral reefs are dying. Super storms and mega hurricanes. Killer bees. Nature has indeed unleashed its fury. Yet there is still something we can do about it!

Americans account for most of the world’s pollution. This is easily supported by statistics which reveal that although we only account for 5% of the world’s population, we are responsible for 25% of global pollution emissions. These embarrassing figures need to change – and fast.

As an average citizen, there is always something you can do. Switch to a fuel-efficient or eco-friendly vehicle, walk when you can, Carpool. Change your light bulbs from incandescent to fluorescent, Invest in solar panels, support eco-friendly products and establishments, minimize your use of plastic, unplug rarely used appliances, plant a tree. A single person can make a dent. All of us can make a difference.