Author Archives: admin

Solar Power for Homes

Instead of getting the latest plasma TV or SubZero refrigerator, why not do something good for your family, your electricity bill and the environment by making your home solar powered?

A solar-powered house is one where a photovoltaic solar power system is constructed to provide for the household’s electricity needs. Most of the time, equipping a house for solar power is done through the placement of solar panels on the roof in a direction where exposure to the sun’s rays will be maximized.

Solar panels capture the sun’s heat and light, and convert it into electricity to power appliances, heat swimming pools and run cooling systems.

In some cases, the entire electricity needs of a home can be met by solar energy. Of course, aside from the power needs, factors such as the location of the home, weather and seasons have to be considered. In most cases though, homeowners opt for a hybrid system wherein solar energy acts as a supplement to traditional energy.

Quite a few people are concerned that solar panels would make their home unsightly. Well don’t fret, the days of bulky and cumbersome solar panels are over. Today’s latest crop of solar panels are sleek and streamlined. Newer models are made with aesthetics in mind and are meant to fit and blend in with even multi-faceted roofs.

So why go solar? The energy that the sun provides our planet in a day is enough to support human consumption for a year. However, much of this remains untapped and unutilized as many are still reluctant to make the switch to solar power. But for those who are, solar panels do more than just save our environment. They lessen our country’s reliance on foreign oil imports and more importantly, reduce your home’s electricity bill.

Despite a substantial initial investment, powering your home with solar energy will definitely be cost-effective in the long run. Those expensive Italian mosaic tiles or luxurious leather sofas will not give you this kind of return on investment. In terms of home improvements, going solar indeed gives you the biggest bang for your buck.

Future Cars: Running on Solar Power

The sun. The Solar system’s greatest source of energy provides the earth with more heat and light for a day than the human population can consume in a year. Harnessing the sun as an alternative source of energy has become an exciting and promising venture.

So far, solar energy has been used to run appliances, heat water, cool buildings, generate electricity and yes – power solar cars.

Solar powered cars are obviously fueled by the sun – but how does this technology work? The car is built carrying hundreds of photovoltaic cells that absorb and convert sunlight into energy. Instead of using a petrol tank like a normal car does, solar vehicles carry a solar-powered battery system. To optimize speed and minimize energy expenditure, solar cars are often ingeniously designed according to the laws of physics and aerodynamics. With a zany appearance and operating at zero emissions and no need for fossil fuel, solar-powered cars are just the thing that the environment and our wallets need.

Both the government and automobile manufacturers have recognized the need to develop the technology of solar cars. Thus, government agencies usually sponsor solar car races to promote the development of energy alternatives to fossil fuel. These races are usually joined in by university students, who show off their technological and engineering skills by building their very own solar cars.

But making a car with the race in mind is a whole different story. Here, application of the good old laws of science and a hefty dose of common sense is essential. Solar car racing teams have to design their cars for maximum performance on the day of the race for whatever weather conditions.

Solar race cars take on a battery, which the car can rely on in the absence of a hot sunny day. Batteries are necessary as they store the sun’s energy, thus making it possible to run the car when the sun is hidden. Without batteries, solar cars would be rendered useless as they will completely stop at night or cloudy days. However, the builders have to be careful (and this is where science and expertise come in), as redirecting too much of solar energy to the battery will mean the engine doesn’t run fast enough to propel the car.

This technology is starting to show great promise and I’m quite confident to say, solar-powered cars will definitely drive our future. So fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride.

Solar Energy is a Growth Industry

The industry behind solar energy is shining brighter than ever. Credit it to the global-wide environmental awareness, rising oil prices, dwindling supply of fossil fuels or threats of global warming. Scientists, economists and environmentalists predict that solar energy will only grow in popularity and demand in the coming years.

Here are some more encouraging facts, highlighting the growth of the solar energy industry in the past few years[1]:

  • In 1985, demand for the installation of solar panels was only 21 megawatts. A mere two decades later, this figure has grown exponentially as the world is now asking for almost 3,000 megawatts of photovoltaic cells.
  • The global demand for solar energy has grown at around 30% in the past 15 years. In the United States, this figure is much higher, as demand shows a 57% growth.
  • Aside from the US, Japan and Germany are the biggest markets for solar energy. This is largely due to funding provided by the government and market incentives.
  • Prices for photovoltaic cells and solar panel installations have consistently been declining in the past few years. This is due to the development of better technology and improved production methods in the manufacturing of these products.

We receive enough solar power in a day to meet human energy consumption for a year. If only a small amount of the suns output were harnessed, the world would not face such a massive energy crisis. The problem is that most of the solar energy remains unutilized. Unless more and more people invest in solar panels for their homes and solar power devices, the sun’s powerful energy will go to waste.

Moreover, unimaginable as it may seem, over a billion people in the world do not have access to electricity. Solar energy would be the cheapest and most efficient energy source available to them. As the price of photovoltaic cells and solar panels get lower, far-flung places in many countries can finally enjoy the benefits of electricity through solar power.

Solar energy is definitely a promising industry. Its growth also heralds in cheaper electricity bills, a cleaner environment – and an overall positive change for humanity.

Solar Products for You and the Environment

There are many ways to put sunlight to practical use. A quick look at your nearest home improvement store will reveal a host of gizmos and gadgets that are powered by solar energy. Equipped and improved with the latest technology, nifty solar products are now more ingenious and useful – as they continue to inspire us to make the switch to solar.

  • Solar lights. Outdoor solar garden lights usher in a whole new revolution in lighting and landscaping. Aside from being environmentally friendly, the latest breed of solar lights are now more functional and aesthetically pleasing. Equipped with LED lights, these outdoor solar gadgets last longer and shine brighter. What’s also great about solar lights is that there is no need for wiring to connect to an energy source. Thus, they can be placed and moved around anywhere you want them to fit your lighting needs.
  • Solar water heaters. From the one-million gallon pool used in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics to virtually all homes in Israel, India and Greece, solar water heaters are all the rage. What is great about this technology is that manufacturers create different types of heaters to fit all needs, residential or commercial. Solar heaters can either act as the primary source of heat or as a back-up to the conventional electric heater. It’s about time you heat up your bath and swimming pool with solar heaters.
  • Solar cookers. Ranging from the simple and homemade to the modern and high-tech. Solar cookers are a useful and eco-friendly alternative to conventional cooking. Perhaps its greatest and most noble purpose yet is humanitarian. Widely used in African villages and refugee camps in Darfur, solar cookers have greatly improved the lives of many people. Women no longer have to leave the safety of their refugee camps to gather firewood and families can save on cooking fuel by going solar.
  • Solar cars. Though yet to be available to the general public, the government, scientists and economists recognize that the future of transportation could well be powered by solar cars. Though vehicles can be powered on solar energy alone, the cars of the future would most probably run on a hybrid of solar and traditional gasoline. Still, there is one thing we know for sure: our spending at the fuel pump will definitely be much lower.

So take the road less traveled and make the switch to solar. The key to saving the environment is available at a store near you.

Solar Power – A Beginners Guide

The sun is the greatest of source of energy in out small solar system, and as the fossil fuels we greedily consume gradually run out we need to consider alternative sources to fill the hole these dwindling resources are leaving. And one alternative that shows great potential is Solar Power. Since we discovered the science of photovoltaics, ingenious engineers and entrepreneurs have managed to turn the sun’s rays into usable energy to power all types of appliances, from water heaters, light bulbs, garden lights and even cars. Could solar energy be the answer to our global environmental problem and fuel shortage? We certainly hope so. Combined with other renewable alternative sources of energy, the use of solar power could just be our key to a brighter, less fossil fuel-reliant future.

Solar power is simply the utilization of the sun’s radiation into heat or electricity. And in recent years, the use of solar power as an alternative source of energy has become more popular than ever. With our increased care in the environment coupled with the rising prices and dwindling supply of fossil fuel, the industry behind solar power is growing faster than ever. Technology has also made the sun useful in more ways than we thought possible.

How does solar power work?

The process involved is quite simple. Solar energy works by converting the sun’s rays into heat using solar thermal collectors for heating water, and solar panels to supply power to the appliances in a home. With solar collectors, heat is captured from the sun in glass tubes, which then heat the water. With solar panels, radiation is retrieved and collected from the sun.
When the sun’s rays hit the solar panels, they are absorbed by semiconductors such as silicon (the material solar panels are typically made of.) The process causes electrons to be knocked off from their atoms, allowing them to flow through the material, thus generating electricity.

Solar power homes

If you are looking for a way to reduce your electricity bill while saving the world at the same time, powering your home with solar energy just might be the answer. A solar powered home is simply one that uses a photovoltaic solar power system to supply power to the home. Normally, the method involves placing the system on the roof facing the south to maximize the exposure to daylight. Most of the time, the total energy requirement of a home can be supplied using the photovoltaic structure though most owners prefer to supplement conventional electricity with solar power.

Solar powered homes hold several advantages. Not only do you help conserve the planet’s dwindling supply of fossil fuel and natural gas, your wallet also benefits from a reduction in energy costs. Despite the substantial initial investment, going solar will definitely give you the best deal for your dollars in the long run. This is something a kitchen remodeling or a plasma screen just won’t do.

Solar powered cars

With the restrictively high price of gasoline and the toxic emissions automobiles churn out into the atmosphere, even cars are going solar. Solar powered cars are not a thing of the future. In fact, they just might go mainstream in the next few years. So just how does a powerful car engine run on sunlight? Simple. A barrage of solar cells transform the sun’s heat and light directly into electrical energy which powers the car. Solar powered cars are often made with unbelievably curious shapes as designers want to lessen the drag factor, maximize full exposure to the sun, decrease the weight, while maintaining safety and function.

Government and automobile manufacturers have realized the potential of solar cars and hold races each year to create the best and fastest design. Usually entered by university students, racers and developers show-off their engineering and design skills by building and running their very own solar car.

Solar power kits

And now, wiring your house for solar power comes in a box. And all you need to do is purchase a solar panel kit. Everything you need to get started is right here: solar panels, pre-wired modules, a battery pack and the all-important instructions. Unleash the handyman in you and install your own solar panels without needing to hire expensive professionals and electricians. Though not quite made for beginners, a kit is great for the experienced do-it-yourselfers. Not only does powering your home with solar energy drastically reduce your household’s electricity bill, a solar kit becomes incredibly handy in the event of power failures.

Solar energy is free of charge and the supply is infinite. Our planet’s greatest heat source leaves much to be untapped. Whether you want to save some dollars or do something for the environment, now just might be the time to make the switch to solar.

What are Solar Cells?

A lot of calculators never use batteries, some wristwatches don’t need rewinding and the cars of the future will not have to pass by a fuel pump ever again. The answer? It lies in solar energy – and the tiny silicon atoms that make up a solar cell.

Thanks to the wonderful science of photovoltaics – the field of study related to the technology and application of solar cells to produce energy – many products can now be powered by the sun. And it all just starts with a solar cell, the basic device that you need to convert solar energy into usable electricity.

In theory, how solar cells work is really quite simple. Tiny particles called photons in sunlight are absorbed by the solar cell which is made from silicon (a semiconductor).

As sunlight hits the cell, the electrons inside the solar panels get ‘excited’ and start to move around, until they are knocked off from their atoms. They then flow through the silicon panel, creating electricity. The solar-generated energy can now be put to work – from lighting a bulb, heating a pool, cooling your house, or it can be stored in a battery for future use.

Now that you know the science and the principle behind the solar cells, perhaps you would like to give it a shot by making one in your very own home.

Using materials easily bought from the hardware store (i.e. a copper sheet and a simple micro-ammeter) and borrowing things from your very own kitchen (such as an electric stove and table salt), you can make your very own representation of a solar cell. However, do not plan on covering your entire roof with this homemade variety just yet. While it may be effective in illustrating the scientific concept of photovoltaics, it can probably power no more than a single light bulb.

Here Comes the Sun: Solar Energy at Work

On a hot day, a mother is drying her laundry on her backyard clothesline. Her son, a budding scientist, is holding a magnifying glass over blades of grass and watched them burn. Inside, her husband is balancing his checkbook using his trusty solar calculator. The mother checks her solar-powered wristwatch and heads back inside. It’s time.

Harnessing the Sun

Living with the sun is nothing new. Solar technology has been used by man for practical purposes since time immemorial. Legend has it that Greek soldiers used polished shields that reflect sunlight to blind their enemies. Romans have built the Pantheon around the sun, using daylighting techniques to provide natural interior illumination and to showcase the beauty of sunshine.

Global energy consumption drastically increased during the 19th century Industrial Revolution. The growth of factories necessitated the use of more powerful sources of energy such as wood and coal. Thus, energy sources rapidly transitioned from solar-based to fossil fuels. The oil embargo and energy crisis in recent decades led world leaders to rethink their energy policies and focus on developing alternative energy With the outpouring of environmental awareness, vast possibilities of solar power are once again being discovered and untapped.

Being able to utilize the sun to generate electricity is one of man’s greatest achievements. Though prehistoric man knew how to use bits of glass to reflect the sun’s rays to start a fire, the technology to directly turn sunlight into electricity is only a few decades old. Solar power is currently being used in agriculture, chemical and metal industries and in households. The use of evaporation ponds to get salt from sea water is one of its older applications. Single solar cells are used to power on calculators, wrist watches and highway signs. Solar water heaters heat swimming pools, greenhouses control the use of light to grow crops, solar distillation provides potable water to households, and solar energy provides the high temperature needed for metal smelting and chemical production.

How solar energy works

Solar energy – the energy from the sun in the form of heat or light – is being harnessed by technology that controls the use of the sun’s energy. Sunlight is converted into electricity by photovoltaics, a system which produces a reliable and non-polluting form of energy without using any fossil fuels.

Photovoltaic cells directly convert sunlight into electricity. Also known as solar panels, these cells are made up of the element silicon, the second most abundant material on earth. However, due to its difficulty to make, solar panels can still be quite expensive. To make the panels, silicon is heated to extremely high temperatures and chemicals such as boron and phosphorus are added. This makes the silicon atoms unstable so that when sunlight hits the solar panel, the modified silicon’s electrons are jarred, thus causing electricity to flow and provide electric power. When sunlight hits a solar panel, the electrons in the silicon start to move. This movement causes energy to flow through wires built inside the panels, producing electricity.

Pros and cons of solar energy

The biggest advantage of solar energy is that it is non-polluting. Unlike oil and fossil fuels, solar energy is a renewable resource. Solar cells are also easy to install and require very little maintenance. Although investing in solar panels can be a bit pricey at first, reduced electricity bills will definitely still save money in the long run. After all, the sun is ours for free.

The main disadvantage of solar energy is the restrictive financial cost of investment in solar panels. Installation also requires a large area, thus making solar power inefficient in places where space is expensive and limited. However, as newer technologies in solar energy develop, prices have dropped and more efficient styles are being produced. This is indeed very good news, as solar energy is increasingly becoming popular and available to many. Hopefully, this will encourage people to use solar energy for their electricity needs – not only because it is a hot, new trend but because it is right.

The Secret To Making Money Online

The Secret To Making Money Online

There is a secret to making money online that millionaires all over the world are using, and that is this – having a database of targeted people who you have regular contact with through a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly email newsletter (e-zine). There is two reasons for the success of this method. The first reason is that you now have a (hopefully) large targeted audience of people who are all interested in the same thing (for me I have an audience of people interested in finances). The second reason is that you have a database of people who trust you.

Targeted Audience

People want to market their product to an audience who they know wants to buy their product. This is what you are creating. You are creating a targeted audience from your niche (area of interest) that you yourself can market with your products (or affiliate products…click here to read more on affiliates). This also allows you an avenue to market other people’s products. People will often spend between $0.10 – $0.25 per person to send out an advertising email to your targeted audience. If you have 10,000 people subscribing to your newsletter then you can easily make between $1,000 – $2,500 for each email you send (and you could send about one per week)

Trusting Audience

Studies have shown that people are more likely to buy from someone they trust than someone they don’t know at all. If you have an audience who you have contact with each week then they will come to know you and trust you. When they trust you they are more likely to take your advice and buy things from you…then you can make some money.

Now that you know the benefits of building a database and sending out a weekly newsletter let me show you
How to Build a Weekly Newsletter:

Join a Database Service

Many hosting sites have database services built into them from which you can collect names and send emails however their options are limited and can often take a lot of time to manage. There are many services online which offer you easy management of your database and many options for sending emails.
I would recommend to steer clear of the free databases, because even though they are free, they are limited and also your database is owned by them (not you). YOU WANT TO OWN YOUR DATABASE! and on many of the free services you cannot transfer your database to another service. So sometimes it pays to pay.
I use a service called Constant Contact and I would recommend it to anyone.

Have a Signup Form On Your Website

Your website attracts people (known as traffic). Your goal is to somehow convert your traffic into subscribers of your newsletter. In order to do this you need to have a simple signup form on your website where people can sign up for your newsletter. Have a link of every page of your website to a ’sales page’ which pitches your newsletter and gives people a way to sign up. Your goal should be to get 10,000 names…with 10,000 names you can easily become a millionaire.

Give Away Something Free

This is one of the most effective tools to get people to sign up for your website. People love free things and will happily sign up to receive your newsletter to get whatever you are offering. I currently offer a free report on my website as a reward for signing up…hopefully soon I will offer something of more value for free (an e-book or an audio teaching cd)

Send a Weekly Newsletter

Now that you have people’s names you need to be in constant contact with them (I recommend once per week, some people send newsletters bi-weekly or monthly). Send them a newsletter relevant to the website they signed up from. Give away FREE information in these newsletters. I know…you might be thinking how can I make money by giving away things…but you will. Give your people great content that helps their lives, make your newsletter valuable to them so they look forward to reading it every week.

Not Too Bad, Not Too Good

Offer content that is valueable to the reader. The worst thing that you can have is an email where people delete it straight away because they know it is useless to them. So have good content
The next worse thing is for someone to ’save’ the email because the content is too long, or too good to read now. So offer them good content but content that is easy to read and not too valuable.

So now that you know how to get subscribers and how to send out a weekly email lets go through the thing you will really really want to know and that is

How to Make Money From a Weekly Newsletter:

Run Advertising

You can run advertising on your newsletter and charge people for the ads you put in their. You can put ads which are 2-5 lines long, or you could put simple classifieds in your newsletter. Depending on how many people you have as subscribers you can charge accordingly. I am not exactly sure on the amount you can charge for an advertisement as I have not done it myself yet. But ask around and see.

Tip: Try to charge at a higher rate first. It is easier to lower your rate as you bargain than to raise your rate

Sell Affiliates

Instead of getting other’s to advertise their products and make lots of money on sales, why not advertise people’s products for them and then take a commission for each sale? ClickBank offers up to 75% commissions for those who refer people a product and make a sale.

This can often make you more money when you start off. For example I made $80 from selling affiliate programs but only made under $1 in my first 2 months of my website.

Send Solo Ads

I spoke about this before when we talked about a target audience. People will pay you often between $0.10-$0.25 per person to send out advertising emails to the people on your database. If you have 10,000 people then you could quite easily make $1,000-$2,500 from one email…couldn’t you?

There are many websites out there that offer this service to you (renting your database out) and to those wishing to send the emails.

Sell Your Own Products

Selling your own products is a great way to both make money and to build your database. If you have an audience that know and trust you then you can fairly easily sell an e-book or an audio teaching series. Why not offer your subscribers a discount just for them (and for this week only) to increase your sales.

Helpful Tips:

  • Make sure you grab the name and contact details of every person who buys your product so you can send them your newsletter each week.
  • Give people a commission for selling your product, then you are not just limited to your database but you are unlimited.

So this is the secret to becoming a millionaire: Having a database of 10,000 and having regular contact with them to offer them FREE information and to advertise your products, affiliate products and other people’s products to make an income.

What Is The Stock Market

What Is The Stock Market

What is the stock market? This is a great question. Being a budding stock investor myself I went on a search for an answer to the question “What is the stock market”. I believe that what I have found will help any beginner in understanding what the stock market it and how it works.


The word stock simply refers to a supple. You can have a stock of anything you want (from pencils in your pencil case, to clothes on your wardrobe). In the financial market stock refers to a supply of money that a company has raised. This supply comes from people who have given the company money in the hope that the company will make their money grow.

A market is a public place where things are bought and sold. The term “stock market” refers to the business of buying and selling stock. The stock market is not a specific place, though some people use the term “Wall Street”—the main street in New York City’s financial district—to refer to the U.S. stock market in general.


If a company wants to grow and expand then they need money to do that. They might need money to build factories, or shops or to hire more workers. In order to do that they need money, they could go to the bank and get a loan but then they would be in large amounts of debt. Instead, they can sell the business to get more money, but continue to control the business. How? They sell it to hundreds and even thousands of people in what is known as shares.

If you have a pie and you cut it into 100 pieces (it must be a pretty big pie), then each person would have a ”share” of the pie. It is the same with companies. Companies sell shares to people. Say a company sells 100 shares and you own 1 share then you would own 1% of the business. People who buy the stock (or the shares) are giving the company the money it needs to grow and expand.


The people who own the shares own a part of the company they have shares in. Therefore whenever the company makes money the shareholders (the people who own the stock/shares) get part of the profits that the company made. If the company makes money then the stockholders share in the profits and over time owning stock will earn people more money than leaving their money in the bank or making other

Stockholders in a company also usually have voting rights. They vote on such issues as who will be elected to the board of directors—the group of people who oversee company decisions—and whether to buy other companies. Stockholders typically have one vote for each share they own. Every vote counts, but a stockholder with 5,000 shares will have more influence on the company than someone with only one share.


As a company makes money, the value of its stock goes up. It is similar to if you owned a restaurant. If your restaurant started off making $50,000/year then you might be able to sell it for $500,000. But say later on your restaurant was earning $100,000/year, then the resaurant might well be worth $1,000,000. It is the same with stocks, you own a percentage of that restaurant so as their profits increase your ’stock’ becomes more valuable as it is part of the business. This increase is value is called ‘capital gains’

Well I hope that helped explain some things about the stock market and I hope you now understand what the stock market is and how it works on the most basic level. Please leave any comments and questions below.

Investing In The Stock Market For The Long Run

Investing In The Stock Market For The Long Run

My mum always told me “You need to invest in the stock market for the long run“. My mum loves the stock market. She has all her retirement money in the stock market and she makes a fair amount of money (around 25% per year over the last 3 years). She is always trying to give me advice about the stock market and I thought I would share her number one tip with you guys today. And that is this:

“When investing in the stock market be in it for the long run, a minimum of 5 years”

This is because the stock market is constantly fluctuating, going up and down. If you only invest in the stock market for 1 year then you could get a bad year an lose a lot of money. However, if you invest over 5 years or 10 years then the stock market always eventually goes up. It averages about 11% every year. However, this year it has gone backwards and lost people a lot of money.

The stock market is a great tool for a retirement plan, or for making some extra income on this side. Many people make money from the stock market as the full time income and you can do this too if you want, it just takes some training, some practice and a lot of determination. But the stock market is perfect for a long term investment such as retirement, or a college fund, or saving up for a house in the future.

Here are some tips about investing in the stock market for the long run.

Have a long term goal

Many people want to get rich quick. But few people ever do. Have a long term wealth goal that is achieveable. Have something you can diligently work towards and that you can achieve and be happy with. Don’t set something too high (like I often do), but set something achievable and attainable.

Be in it for the long run. Don’t just try to make $10,000 in your first month. Try and make $1,000,000 in 20 years. The longer you are in the stock market the more it works for you because you begin to earn interest on your interest. As you earn more interest you earn more money, when you stocks go up or you get some dividends then re-invest it back it. Watch your money grow and grow and grow until you are wealthy. But have a long term goal…not just a short term daydream.

Buy, buy, buy on a consistent basis

The stock market will go up and it will go down, but you need to invest on a consistent basis. If you invest money in the stock market every month, then even when the stock market drops it is not bad for you because you have an opportunity to buy at the low points and make money. If you just invest once, then maybe it might crash for a bit and you have to wait for it to go back up again. If you invest all the time then you get to experience the highs of when the stock market shoots up and you also get to take advantage of the lows and buy stock cheap and make more money.

Don’t have unrealistic expectations

I covered this a tiny bit in point #1, but don’t have unrealisitic expectations of the time it will take, the percentage you will get and the overall money you will make. Have a realisitic goal that you can diligently work towards, don’t just have a daydream about how you want to make $1,000,000 in 5 days from the stock market. Remember being in it for the long run is the key to success in the stock market.

Have realistic expectations so you won’t get disappointed and give up, if you have realistic expectations then you can celebrate your successes and be motivated to continue on your long term journey towards wealth.

So if you want to invest in the stock market, stop thinking just short term and invest in the stock market for a long period of time, at least 5 years.